Virtual library

Our virtual library aims to spread and share knowledge about Peace Studies, Conflict Transformation, Emotional balance and related topics in an open and collaborative way.


Academic work from Paz & Mente

Final paper of our Peace workers

Academic work of our Peace workers who have completed their journey in our postgraduate program. These materials were produced as requirement to obtain their degree in Brazil.

Available only in portuguese.

Capa Bruno - English.png

Transforming the conviviality between humans and animals of other species: the culture of peace beyond anthropocentrism.

Bruno César Lima Pinheiro, 2017

capa Carolina.png

Emotional education in the school environment: Challenges, reflections and possibilities.

Carolina Corbellini Rovaris, 2017

capa Eliane - English.png

Exploring conflicts: a trajectory from the Pororocas of Warat to Dietrich's Many Peaces.

Eliane Maria Salgado Assumpção, 2016

capa Julia - English.png

The skills of the conflict elicitor and the principles of applied improvisation: a potential approach.

Júlia do Couto e Silva Freitas, 2017

capa Juliana - English.png

Non-violence and conflict transformation: an elicitive approach.

Juliana Secchi, 2016

capa Larissa - English.png

Cultivating space for the transformation of conflicts: reflections on self-acceptance and inner listening.

Larissa Navarro Moraes, 2017

capa Marcelo - English.png
capa Marina - English.png

Potentializing the collaborative practices for the transformation of conflicts: contributions of Peace Studies.

Marcello Vieira Machado Rodante, 2016

How to dialogue to build public policies in the criminal field inspired by the skills of the elicitive conflict work? A path of personal transformation through the practice of presence, listening and taken risks.

Marina Dias Werneck de Souza, 2017

capa Patricia Enlgish.png

The peace that dwells in me: The path of a peace worker deciphering the mind.

Patrícia Valeriano Delgado da Mota Ribeiro, 2017


* The texts are the intellectual property of their authors and the Paz & Mente Institute and should be cited according to academic standards.

Our references

The authors and theories that support all the action of Paz & Mente may also support your actions in the world.

We offer here some texts that have gone through the careful selection of our team for enthusiasts and researchers from areas related to our transdisciplinary themes. The materials can be freely used for educational purposes by all those who seek to deepen their understanding of Peace Studies, Conflict Transformation and Emotional Balance.

Enter your email to access this area of our library:

pilha de livros.png

*The commercialization or commercial use of the materials available here is not authorized.


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